3 Tips for a Healthy Home

Posted by | December 18, 2020 | Household Tips | No Comments

3 Tips for a Healthy HomeNothing in life is as important as keeping yourself and your family healthy and safe. With the coronavirus epidemic hanging over all our heads, this is more true now than ever before.

Luckily, wearing a face mask, taking care of personal hygiene, and keeping up with your house cleaning in Santa Fe Springs, CA, are by far the three most effective ways of protecting yourself and your loved ones not just from this scary virus, but from most other pathogens as well.

So what’s the best way to keep your home healthy at all times? How frequently should you clean your place to keep it hygienic? We’ll answer some of these questions in the following article by providing you with a list of 3 tried-and-true tips that will help you ensure your Santa Fe Springs home is always sanitary. Read on.

How to create a healthy home environment?

As stated above, regular cleanings and personal hygiene are key to minimizing the number of germs your immune system has to fend off. At the same time, you don’t want to spend all your free time with a sponge in your hand or live in a less-than-clean house.

The most effective way to have a healthy place and make things easier on yourself at the same time is by reducing the amount of dirt, clutter, and toxins that make their way into your home in the first place.

Here are the top 3 ways to do that:

1. Ban shoes indoors

The bulk of the toxins that get inside our houses and apartments are brought in on our shoes. For this reason, you should make it a rule to take outdoor shoes off in the entry hallway. Get a few pairs of comfy slippers and wear those around the house instead.

Failing to do this is not just exceedingly unhealthy, it can cause your floors, carpets, rugs, and other items to wear down and become damaged faster than they otherwise would have.

2. Focus on touch points while cleaning

Touchpoints are all surfaces that regularly come into contact with our naked skin. As a result, these frequently-touched surfaces are extra likely to be contaminated with germs and parasites. Pay extra attention to them when cleaning and disinfecting your place.

Common household touch points include:

  • Light switches
  • Computer keyboards and mice
  • Handles of all kinds
  • Doorknobs
  • AC and TV remotes
  • Game controllers
  • Keys
  • Toilet seats
  • Countertops
  • Desks
  • Tables
  • Faucets
  • Buttons on microwaves, ovens, etc.

3. Adopt clutter-reducing habits

A messy home isn’t just ugly to look at and difficult to navigate. All that clutter lying around can facilitate the spread of germs, make it easier for bugs and other pests to set up shop inside your home, and actually hurt your long-term mental health and social life.

The easiest way to say no to clutter is by cultivating the following habits:

  • Always store items at designated places (eg., don’t leave clothes lying on furniture)
  • Teach pets not to climb on chairs, sofas, beds, etc.
  • Wash dishes or place them in the dishwasher immediately after eating
  • Put trash cans in various rooms for easy magazine, food wrapping, etc., disposal

Where can I schedule a first-rate house cleaning in Santa Fe Springs, CA?

How to create a healthy home environment?Sometimes, you just don’t have the time or the energy to clean. The good news is, there’s no reason to force yourself because Oasis Natural Cleaning is always here for you!

We team up with Santa Fe Springs’ finest residential and vacation rental cleaners who have the experience and the know-how needed to provide truly exceptional cleaning services. Get in touch with us today if you’d like to book a cleaning or learn more about why we’re the best!

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