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Are House Cleaning Services Tax Deductible in USA?

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Do you work at home most of the time? With busy days ahead of you, hiring cleaning and maid services is something you do regularly. Even though you are almost always at home, you rarely have time to clean, so instead, you ask for assistance from trusted house cleaning services. Reliable, trustworthy, and efficient, professional house cleaners will do a great job cleaning your indoor space.

You schedule an appointment and hire them to clean not only your office home but also the entire house. You are happy with their services and since you use them regularly now, they become a part of your whole home expense. You then heard that after switching to a home business, the services of your housekeeper can be a tax write-off. So, the question is – is house cleaning tax deductible?

Are my cleaning fees tax deductible

Can You Deduct Cleaning Expenses From Your Home-Based Business?

If you’re wondering if cleaning services are tax deductible, you’re in for some good news. No matter whether you run a home-based business or work as a freelancer, the IRS recognizes you have a cost for running a business at home. With that, they allow you to deduct some expenses from your tax. In that case, before you prepare and file your tax return, you want to take a closer look into your home costs as any of them can be possible deductions that apply to your business.

Are My Cleaning Fees Tax Deductible?

There are plenty of home costs that you can deduct from your tax return, including home security system, phone charges, office supplies, equipment, and cleaning services among many. However, to qualify for the deduction, you have to meet certain criteria.

Firstly, your home office has to be your primary place of business and used for business purposes exclusively. This means that you may not qualify for a deduction if you use this space for personal activities as well. Also, the expenses should be directly related to the business and necessary to keep the space safe and hygienic.

What Do You Need to Deduct Cleaning Expenses?

It’s necessary to keep accurate records of your expenses, including invoices and receipts in order to claim the deduction. A good practice is to document the amount, date, and purpose of your expenses and keep those records for a minimum of 3 years after filing the tax return. You also need to keep the documentation on the square footage of your home and your home office.

How you employ and pay for the service is also important. If you’re hiring a company, you should get clear receipts and invoices for the service. However, if you’re hiring an individual, there are some additional aspects you need to take into account, such as whether you’re paying them through a 1099 or a W-2.

How Is Home Office Cleaning Deductible Calculated?

You can calculate how much of your house cleaning expenses are tax deductible simply by using the equivalent percentage of your home office to that of your entire home. For instance, if your home office takes up 10% of the total square footage, you can deduct 10% of the total cost of cleaning services. Even if you only have your home office area cleaned, the IRS allows you to deduce the entire amount for the cleaning service. This, along with other costs in your home office, will help you reduce your tax return by a considerable amount.

House Cleaning Services Help Your Home Office Stay Clean & Save on Tax

As home cleaning services give you more than a continually tidy and safe home office, it’s a worthwhile expense. Cleanliness and orderliness are essential for your productivity. At the same time, it saves you time to focus on more important things like work and family. And the fact that you can deduct it from your tax returns is an added benefit.

If you’re working from home and looking to keep your home office clean while also saving finances, hiring reliable home cleaning services is an excellent idea. When it comes to dependable house cleaning that will take the stress out of your life, Oasis Natural Cleaning is the place for you. Residential or commercial, you can expect us to match you with the best experts who can handle it all.


Why is post-cleaning important

5 Benefits of Post-Construction Cleaning

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Any remodeling or construction project is exciting but at the same time very demanding and time-consuming. Once you embark on it, you probably strive to finish everything efficiently to be able to enjoy the fruits of your hard work. Unfortunately, challenges don’t end once you’ve applied the final coat of pain and tightened the last screw. One extremely crucial step remains. It’s called post-construction cleaning and involves a lot of sweeping, scrubbing, and wiping.

This last phase must be carried out cautiously to ensure your new space is functional, hazard-free, and visually pleasing. So if you’re finalizing a renovation project in La Habra Heights, CA, don’t hesitate to resort to professionals specializing in post construction cleaning as they have all the necessary equipment to do the job meticulously. Today, they’ll explain why this step is vital for your well-being and should never be overlooked. 

Why is post-cleaning important?

Post-renovation cleaning may seem like an additional expense, but it’s actually a crucial part of every building project. Here are the top 5 benefits of it:

1. It ensures the future occupants’ health and safety

Once all the construction works have been completed, a lot of dangerous construction dust and leftover material remain scattered all over the newly built space. The large pieces of debris can cause injuries and exposure to construction dust that circulates in the air and settles on all surfaces leads to nose and throat irritation, and other respiratory issues.

The first step of every post-construction cleaning process is to remove all these hazardous materials including dust, nails, metal and wood scraps, etc. to make the new facility safe for use and boost the indoor air quality. 

La Habra Heights post construction cleaning2. It improves the aesthetic appeal of your new space

Dust and other impurities remaining after construction can make your space look neglected, uninviting, and even unfinished. But if you invest time and money to remove all the smudges, fingerprints, and other grime, your property will look pristine and more attractive. Usually, the help of professionals is indispensable as they have experience in tackling the most demanding maintenance challenges. 

3. It protects your investment

Since it includes addressing all surfaces, a comprehensive post-remodeling cleaning also protects your facility. Cleaning experts will apply the appropriate techniques and products to avoid impairing all newly installed elements and materials. Maintaining your finishes and fixtures helps them last longer, and preserves your space’s aesthetics.

Also, dust can get stuck in your HVAC system, reducing efficiency and increasing energy consumption. But if you have it tackled immediately after the construction works, you’ll prevent serious damage and save money in the long run.

4. It’ll increase your property’s curb appeal

If you plan to rent or sell your space, post-renovation cleaning will make it more attractive to potential tenants or buyers who pay attention to every single detail before making their final decision. 

5. It ensures your property complies with local regulations

Recently built premises or living spaces must meet numerous regulations and standards before being occupied. So, if your site is improperly cleaned, you might face some legal issues. 

But, having your new space scrubbed after construction ensures compliance with all local safety regulations. Professional cleaners are familiar with them and will help you avoid any problems.

Where in La Habra Heights, CA, can I find dependable experts specializing in post construction cleaning?

post construction cleaning La Habra HeightsWhether you plan to renovate your business space or breathe some new life into your home in La Habra Heights, post-construction cleaning is a step you should never neglect. And if you can’t face this challenge on your own, Oasis Natural Cleaning offers services regardless of the scope of your work.

The cleaning experts we cooperate with understand the significance of the post-construction cleaning process. They’ll use advanced tools and reliable supplies to make your property spotless. Enjoy hiking at Powder Canyon while top industry professionals make your property shine. Call us today!

What is expected from a builders clean

8 Duties of Post-Construction Cleaning Crew

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Post-construction cleaning is the last phase in every building project. Its aim is to remove all dust, debris, and leftover material to prepare the new facility for safe use. Since it requires a lot of wiping and vacuuming, it may appear similar to regular house maintenance at first. But once you start, you’ll soon notice there is more than meets the eye. Construction dust takes time to settle, leftover material needs to be handled carefully, and debris disposal has to be according to local regulations.

That’s why you should let professionals specializing in post-construction cleaning from La Habra Heights, CA, do the job for you. These experts will tackle this monumental task and transform a dusty construction site into an immaculate environment. Check the article below to learn more about the crucial duties they’re trained to perform. 

What is expected from a builders clean?

A builders clean, also called post-construction cleaning, refers to a thorough cleaning service carried out once all construction works have been concluded. It ensures the building is aesthetically pleasing, hygienic, and safe for future occupants. Here’s what it usually includes:

1.  Debris removal and disposal

The first step in any post-construction cleaning project is to remove debris, including scraps of metal, wood, drywall, nails, packaging materials, etc. Professionals will systematically collect and dispose of these leftovers according to local regulations to minimize environmental impact.

La Habra Heights CA post construction cleaning2. Dusting 

Dusting all surfaces (walls, the ceiling, countertops, all built-in appliances, etc.) comes next. True experts will use time-tested tools and proven methods to extract as many impurities as possible. This task is usually the most time-consuming one as construction dust and dirt hide in all crevices and take time to settle.

3. Fixtures and fittings cleaning

This also involves addressing door knobs, switches, light fixtures, sockets, and other fittings to make sure they’re free of persistent construction residue.

4. Window cleaning

Your crew should pay special attention to windows as they usually get covered in smudges, fingerprints, and construction materials residue. They’ll meticulously tackle and polish these surfaces to remove any streaks and make them transparent. 

5. Disinfection

Professionals will also use powerful germ-killing disinfectants to ensure all surfaces and areas are sanitary. They’ll address countertops, sinks, toilets, and bathtubs to prepare them for safe use.

6. Floor vacuuming and mopping

Floors attract a lot of construction dust and require special attention during the entire process. Experienced specialists will first sweep them to collect larger pieces of debris. Then, they’ll vacuum them with a heavy-duty HEPA filter vacuum cleaner and mop them cautiously.

7. Air vents and ducts maintenance

Dust and debris can get stuck in air vents and ducts during the construction works. This can significantly lower the indoor air quality. For this reason, this task includes managing these parts to clear away dust and guarantee their proper operation.

8. Final touches

Since construction dust takes some time to settle, the cleaning crew will probably have to inspect and re-address some areas to make sure no traces of dangerous particles are left. They’ll also check if there are any smudges or fingerprints missed during the previous cleaning phases. 

Where can I find reliable professionals who offer post construction cleaning in La Habra Heights, CA?

post construction cleaning La Habra Heights CADo you need help finalizing your renovation project in La Habra Heights? Construction dust and debris are pretty tough to remove and you don’t have the proper tools to face this challenge? Well, Oasis Natural Cleaning is there for you.

We cooperate with professionals who will not only remove all impurities from your newly constructed or redecorated property, but they’ll also use eco-friendly cleaning supplies and tools to create a healthy environment for you to enjoy. Call us today!

Guide to Post-Construction Cleaning

Step-by-Step Guide to Post-Construction Cleaning

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Have you just finished building or remodeling a house in La Habra Heights? Well, now you give it a thorough post-construction cleaning. This is a serious maintenance task that entails many steps as you need to ensure all dust and dirt particles are completely removed.

If you’re unsure how to approach it, we have prepared an easy-to-follow step-by-step post-construction cleaning guide. Keep reading to learn what it includes!

How do you clean a new house after construction?

After construction, it’s essential to scrub the new house thoroughly to get rid of debris, leftover material, and dust to ensure a safe place to live in. Here are all the steps you need to take:

1. Get your supplies ready

You’ll need brooms, dustpans, a heavy-duty HEPA filter vacuum cleaner, mops, buckets, microfiber cloths, cleaning solutions (dish soap, white vinegar, or commercial cleaners), garbage bags, putty knives, scrapers, and PPE.

2. Remove debris

  • Collect all large chunks of debris, packaging materials, and scraps and put everything in garbage bags to dispose of them appropriately.
  • Sweep the floors to remove loose dust and dirt. Then vacuum thoroughly to suck in as much fine dust as possible.

3. Dust all the surfaces

  • Applying the top-to-bottom approach, wipe the ceiling and all the walls to remove construction dust stuck to them.experts in post-construction cleaning
  • Address the fixtures. To avoid increasing dust circulation in the air, avoid dry dusting. Instead, tackle the surfaces with a damp microfiber cloth. Simply mix a few drops of dish soap and warm water, dip the cloth, wring it, and wipe the areas. Make sure to rinse and dry everything thoroughly.
  • Wipe window frames with a damp microfiber cloth and use a white vinegar solution for the panes.
  • Clean all doors, door frames, and knobs with soapy water. Don’t forget to rinse and dry.
  • Tackle cabinets, drawers, countertops, sinks, and all built-in appliances. Be sure to remove the dirt from the inside and outside and don’t use any harsh chemicals. Warm soapy water will do the job.
  • Vacuum the floors to extract all dust particles stuck in crevices.
  • Finally, mop the floors with soapy water, rinse, and dry.

4. Final touches

Construction dust takes time to settle. That’s why you’ll need to recheck your property before moving in. This final stage is essential to establishing a healthy living environment. You should do the following:

  • Inspect the HVAC system and replace the filters to ensure good indoor air quality. Check all the vents and ducts and remove any dirt that may have accumulated during your construction works.
  • Remove any remaining dust from the surfaces.
  • Address any smudges or fingertips.
  • Vacuum and mop the floors once again.

Final words

Post-construction cleaning is a lot more time-consuming and challenging than regular cleaning. It requires exceptional organizational skills, a complete understanding of the process, and adequate equipment. On top of that, prolonged exposure to dust and dirt particles can harm your health if you approach this task unprepared. 

That’s why it’s advisable to hire professionals specializing in post-construction cleaning. They’re trained to get the job done efficiently and to protect themselves along the way.

Where in La Habra Heights can I find trustworthy experts in post-construction cleaning?

How do you clean a new house after constructionIf you’ve just constructed or renovated your living space in La Habra Heights, you need to clean it from top to bottom to ensure no harmful construction dust has remained. But if you can’t do it by yourself, don’t worry. Oasis Natural Cleaning is at your service.

We offer matchless post-construction cleaning services in the area and our professionals only use eco-friendly cleaning methods and products. Rely on us, and we’ll create a spotless living environment for you and your family. Reach out today!

What is the post cleaning process

Post-Construction Cleaning 101

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Your renovation project has been finalized and only one step separates you from enjoying the fruits of your hard work: you should remove all that construction dust and debris from your newly updated home. But as soon as you start, you learn it’s easier said than done. 

This is where post-construction cleaning in La Habra Heights comes in. This is a specialized, extra-thorough type of cleaning service that strives to remove every last spec of construction dust and make the space safe for future occupants. Read on to learn what a typical post-construction cleaning includes.

What is the post cleaning process?

The post-construction cleaning process refers to a thorough and systematic cleaning designed to get rid of remaining debris and dust from a recently constructed or remodeled facility. Its purpose is to ensure a clean and safe space ready for occupants. Typically, it consists of 3 main stages:

1.  Rough cleaning

The first phase includes removing large debris and leftover material from the building to prepare it for more detailed scrubbing. It usually comprises the following:

  • Taking leftover material (drywall, nails, wood, etc.) out and disposing of it appropriately,
  • Wiping countertops, cabinets, and other installed appliances,
  • Removing protective films and stickers from windows,
  • Window washing,
  • Floor sweeping and vacuuming to remove particles and dust.

2. Detailed scrubbing

The second phase includes covering every nook and cranny to prepare the space for use. It consists of the following tasks:post-construction cleaning in La Habra Heights

  • Dusting all the surfaces thoroughly (moldings, baseboards, ledges, etc.),
  • Detailed bathroom cleaning (wiping sinks, bathtubs, tiles, all fixtures, etc.),
  • Scrubbing all kitchen surfaces and appliances (including exterior and interior of cabinets, drawers, and kitchen appliances),
  • More careful window cleaning to remove any streaks,
  • Sweeping and mopping all the floors.

3. Final touches

Since construction dust takes some time to settle, the final stage is the most thorough and ensures the property is pristine and prepared for occupancy. These are some of the key tasks:

  • Addressing air filters and air vents to ensure adequate indoor air quality,
  • Wiping all the surfaces again as construction dust hides in the tiniest crevices and takes time to settle,
  • Tackling fingerprints and smudges with eco-friendly cleaning solutions,
  • Polishing mirrors, fixtures, and other surfaces that reflect light,
  • Vacuuming and mopping floors once more to ensure they’re flawless. 

Bonus tips for efficient post-construction cleaning

  • Always use proper personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks, gloves, and goggles when handling debris and dust in closed areas. Also, ensure adequate air circulation to protect your respiratory system.
  • Prepare a detailed checklist to ensure you don’t skip any areas as you clean.
  • Professional help may be indispensable in most cases as cleaning experts are trained and have all the necessary equipment to complete the job.

Where can I book an expert post-construction cleaning in La Habra Heights?

expert post-construction cleaningAs you can see, post-construction cleaning is a serious project with so many crucial steps included. Since construction dust is detrimental to human health, its removal is of utmost importance for your well-being. That’s why resorting to professional help is the safest option. And if you’re wondering where to find them, we have the answer for you: call Oasis Natural to save your day.

We provide comprehensive cleaning services in La Habra Heights and the area and we’re proud of our no-nonsense eco-friendly approach that gives amazing results. We’ll liberate your property from dangerous dust particles to ensure a healthy environment for you to enjoy. Schedule an appointment today!

How do I wow my guests on Airbnb

How to Impress Your Airbnb Guests

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As a rental unit owner, you’re probably constantly looking for ways to improve your services and amaze your guests. Offering a great place to stay is vital to your success as most people are looking for superb accommodation that will create an unforgettable experience. However, in the sea of other offers, it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd.

Pristine conditions are a must. And the help of professionals who offer Airbnb cleaning in La Habra, CA, can be indispensable in this regard. But what other things can you do? Check out the following guide!

How do I wow my guests on Airbnb?

The success of your business depends on the impression you and your rental unit leave on your guests. You need to provide conditions that will make your clients fall in love with the place and never want to go. This is what you can do: 

  1. Your rental property must be absolutely spotless. You need to deep-clean it after your guests depart and before new ones arrive to ensure it’s spick and span. You should pay attention to every single detail. So make sure not to skip hard-to-reach areas. Experienced professional cleaners can help you meet these high standards of cleanliness.
  2. Your space must have all the amenities that could boost convenience and comfort for your guests. Invest in comfortable beds, sofas, and chairs. Be sure your kitchen has all the essentials and some additional amenities, such as a dishwasher or a toaster. You can also include entertainment options, including streaming devices, games, books, etc. 
  3. Ensure your guests notice you appreciate them sincerely. For instance, you could leave a handwritten welcome note or small treats. 
  4. Straightforward and efficient communication sets good hosts apart from lousy ones. Always devote your time to responding to all your guests’ inquiries and delivering all the information they need. This way, they’ll feel valued and respected. 
  5. Recommend local attractions, activities, and restaurants to your guests. Share some insider tips and do your best to make personalized recommendations based on your guests’ needs. For instance, if you have a family with kids, you can tell them where they can have a family picnic, or if you have young, outgoing people, you can help them find great nightclubs. Providing these customized tips will help your guests make the most of their stay and have the experience of a lifetime. 
  6. When possible, try to be flexible and accommodate your guests’ special requests or needs. These signs of hospitality will distinguish you as a host since you’ve shown you’re ready to go the extra mile to make your guests’ stay the most enjoyable.
  7. If your place boasts impressive amenities (a pool, a hot tub, etc.), this can take your guests’ experience to the next level. You can also offer guided tours or cooking classes to help your guests get engrossed in the local culture.
  8. Keep in touch with your guests after their stay to express gratitude for choosing your place and ask them for feedback. Their opinion can be essential in your mission, refine your offer, and improve your guest’s experience.

Who provides first-rate Airbnb cleaning in La Habra, CA

Who provides first-rate Airbnb cleaning in La Habra, CA

Are you an Airbnb host looking for a way to wow your guests? Have trouble cleaning your rental unit near Portola Park or elsewhere in La Habra, or can’t deep clean your cabin on your own? Oasis Natural Cleaning provides these services and much more!

We cooperate with top industry professionals who will go to great lengths to make your rental unit spotless. They use eco-friendly cleaning supplies and efficient tools to deliver astonishing results that will impress your guests and make them want to come back again. Book an appointment today!

Who provides top-notch vacation rental cleaning in La Habra, CA

7 Airbnb Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid

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Providing a spotless and welcoming environment for your guests is essential if you want to make a lasting impression as a host. People always look for pristine accommodation regardless of the rental unit they choose. But, satisfying these high standards of cleanliness in the vacation rental industry requires more hard work than regular house cleaning. You need to have a keen eye for details and a complete understanding of the most common pitfalls that may reduce the appeal of your Airbnb.

Relying on professionals specializing in vacation rental cleaning from La Habra, CA, will definitely give you peace of mind as they comprehend the complexity of the entire process. But it’s always good to be informed and learn more about this topic. So join us as we analyze all the intricacies of efficient Airbnb maintenance and discover how to bypass all mistakes to boost your guests’ experience and harvest brilliant reviews. Read on!

What are the common mistakes made during the vacation rental cleaning process?

Cleanliness is a requirement in the vacation rental industry if you want to attract more clients. But achieving the desired immaculate look is so time-consuming and demanding. On top of that, there is a lot of room for mistakes that can jeopardize your reputation. To help you in your mission of creating a perfect environment for your guests, we’ve listed the 7 most common vacation rental cleaning mistakes:

  1. Most owners usually don’t have enough time to address their properties meticulously. You are probably in a hurry to clean your rental unit on time, right? So, as you rush to finish everything before new guests arrive, you may skip some less noticeable areas, such as under the furniture, ceiling fixtures, tops of closets, etc. You probably hope your guests won’t notice these spots, but the opposite usually happens, resulting in unfavorable reviews.
  2. Sometimes, the lack of adequate supplies can hinder the cleaning process, giving unsatisfying results.
  3. Applying the wrong cleaning solutions or incorrect dilution ratios can cause irrevocable damage to surfaces or leave some potentially dangerous residue behind. On top of that, if you don’t know how to use a product properly, you won’t be able to disinfect the unit or remove grime and stains. 
  4. Addressing surfaces unsystematically is another common mistake that will reduce your efficiency and give unfavorable results. For instance, if you have to deep clean a cabin and you tackle tables first and then address ceiling fixtures, you’ll spread dirt on the tables again. That’s why you should always start from the highest areas and gradually move towards the floor, which should be addressed last.
  5. If you don’t pay attention to potential safety hazards (slippery floors, loose rugs, exposed electrical cords, etc.) and fail to address them on time, you can endanger the safety of your guests. 
  6. If you don’t inspect your unit for damage between guest stays, you may miss a chance to notice and tackle some damaged belongings in time. 
  7. Sometimes professional help is indispensable, and ignoring this may damage your reputation and reviews.

What are the common mistakes made during the vacation rental cleaning process

Who provides top-notch vacation rental cleaning in La Habra, CA?

If you need help making your rental property in La Habra spick and span in an environmentally healthy way, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional help. Oasis Natural Cleaning offers outstanding services in the field. 

The experts we team up with are highly qualified and passionate about their job. Their comprehensive approach to hygiene will keep you and your guests astonished. Have a great time at Descanso Park, and let top maids spruce up your unit and help you receive the most favorable guest reviews. Call now!

How do I clean my Airbnb efficiently

7 Tips to Streamline Your Airbnb Cleaning

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Maintaining a pristine Airbnb property is essential for providing guests with a memorable and comfortable stay. However, the cleaning process can be time-consuming and labor-intensive for hosts. That’s where dedicated vacation rental cleaners in La Mirada come in. These professionals specialize in preparing properties for guests, ensuring that every corner is sparkling clean and guest-ready. 

In this guide, we’ll explore 7 tips to streamline your Airbnb cleaning process, allowing you to maintain high standards of hygiene efficiently and effectively.

How do I clean my Airbnb efficiently?

The process can be demanding and time-consuming, especially if you’re managing multiple properties or busy schedules. Here are efficient tips to help you streamline your routine:vacation rental cleaners la mirada

Create a checklist

Develop a comprehensive checklist that outlines all the tasks that need to be completed between guest stays. Include tasks such as changing linens, disinfecting bathrooms and kitchens, dusting surfaces, vacuuming or mopping floors, and restocking essentials. Having a checklist ensures that you don’t overlook any crucial tasks and helps you stay organized and efficient.

Use quality supplies

Invest in high-quality supplies and equipment to make your process more effective and efficient. Opt for multi-purpose solutions, microfiber cloths, and vacuum cleaners with HEPA filters for thorough results. Having all the necessary supplies readily available will save you time and ensure that you can tackle tasks quickly and effectively.

Preventative maintenance

Implement preventative maintenance strategies to minimize the need for deep cleaning between guest stays. Regularly inspect and maintain appliances, plumbing fixtures, and HVAC systems to prevent issues such as leaks, clogs, or malfunctions. Addressing maintenance issues promptly can help prevent them from escalating into more significant problems that require extensive cleaning or repairs.

Utilize professional services

Consider hiring professional cleaning services to handle the tasks for you. Professionals have the experience, and equipment to take care of your property thoroughly and efficiently between guest stays. Outsourcing tasks can save you time and effort, allowing you to focus on other aspects of managing your business.

Establish a schedule

Establish a regular schedule to ensure that your space is consistently fresh and guest-ready. Schedule sessions immediately after guest check-out to minimize downtime between bookings. Additionally, consider scheduling periodic deep cleaning sessions to address areas that may require more attention, such as carpets, upholstery, and hard-to-reach spaces.

Provide clear instructions

Provide clear and concise cleaning instructions for guests to follow before check-out. Include guidelines for tidying up the property, such as washing dishes, taking out trash, and disposing of perishable items. Clearly communicate any additional tasks that guests are responsible for, such as stripping beds or gathering used towels. Providing clear instructions helps guests understand their responsibilities and ensures that the property is left in good condition for the next guest.

Automate reminders 

Use technology to automate cleaning reminders and notifications to stay organized and on top of your tasks. Set up calendar reminders or use cleaning management software to schedule sessions, track progress, and send alerts for upcoming tasks. Automating reminders helps you stay proactive and ensures that your tasks are completed on time.vacation rental cleaners la mirada

Who are the best vacation rental cleaners in La Mirada?

Whether you’re curious to learn more about the dos and don’ts of Aribnb cleaning, or you’d like to outsource your task to professionals, reach out to Oasis Natural Cleaning. Our experienced team of highly committed and skilled technicians employs advanced methods and high-end tools and supplies to provide you with a tailored service that caters to your specific requirements. Whether your property is in La Mirada or across the region, we’re here to help. Get in touch with us today!

What do Airbnb guests look for

5 Areas Airbnb Guests Pay Special Attention To

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When booking an Airbnb, guests seek comfort, convenience, and, above all, cleanliness. In the competitive world of short-term rentals, maintaining impeccable hygiene is paramount. This is where reliable Airbnb cleaners in La Mirada, CA, play a pivotal role. Guests pay special attention to hygiene standards, scrutinizing every corner of their chosen accommodation for signs of care and hygiene. Understanding these expectations is crucial for hosts to ensure that every guest enjoys a stay that meets their preferences.

What do Airbnb guests look for?

From spotless bathrooms to pristine linens, guests expect nothing less than perfection. Let’s check out the areas they particularly notice:

airbnb cleaners la mirada ca


The bathroom is perhaps the most critical area for guests. They expect a spotless environment where they can feel comfortable and hygienic during their stay. Airbnb guests pay close attention to the cleanliness of the toilet, sink, shower, and bathtub. Stains, mildew, and soap scum can leave a negative impression. Hosts should ensure that these areas are thoroughly sanitized and stocked with fresh towels and toiletries.


The bedroom is where guests retreat to rest and rejuvenate, so it’s essential that it meets their standards of hygiene and comfort. They pay special attention to the condition of the bed linens, including the sheets, pillowcases, and comforter. Stains, wrinkles, and odors can detract from the overall experience. 

You should regularly wash and replace bed linens between guests to ensure they are fresh and inviting. Additionally, guests appreciate extra touches like decorative pillows, cozy throws, and bedside lamps for added comfort and convenience.


For guests who prefer to cook their meals or enjoy snacks during their stay, the kitchen is a focal point. They’ll want to have countertops, sink, appliances, and utensils nice and clean. Grease, crumbs, and food residue can make the kitchen feel unhygienic. 

You should thoroughly sanitize all surfaces, including the stove, microwave, refrigerator, and dishwasher. Providing basic cooking essentials such as pots, pans, utensils, and pantry staples can enhance the guest experience and make them feel at home.

Living area

Whether they are relaxing, socializing, or working during their stay, the living area plays a significant role in your guests’ overall impression of your space. They’ll pay attention to the cleanliness and comfort of the furniture, including sofas, chairs, coffee tables, and rugs. Dust, stains, and pet hair can detract from the ambiance and comfort of the space. 

You should regularly vacuum and spot clean upholstery, dust surfaces, and ensure that decorative items are tidy and well-maintained. 

Entrance and exterior

The first impression starts before even entering the place, so the entrance and exterior of the property are crucial areas of focus. Overgrown plants, litter, and debris can create a negative first impression, which is why you make sure you regularly mow the lawn, trim bushes, sweep walkways, and remove any clutter or rubbish. Outdoor seating, lighting, and decor can also enhance the overall aesthetic and appeal of the property.

airbnb cleaners la mirada ca

Where can I find reliable Airbnb cleaners in La Mirada, CA?

Whether you’re wondering why leaving your Airbnb cleanliness to pros is a good idea, you’re curious about the main principles of handling your property, or you need efficient ways to streamline your routine, Oasis Natural Cleaning is the team you can fully rely on. We’re here to answer any questions you may have and provide you with a premium-quality service that leaves your space spotless and ready for your next guest. Whether you’re close to La Mirada High School or in a nearby area, you can count on our skills and expertise. Give us a call today!

vacation rental cleaning in La Mirada, CA

3 Dos and 3 Don’ts of Airbnb Cleaning

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Effective maintenance and vacation rental cleaning in La Mirada are central to the success of any Airbnb property. Running an Airbnb rental operation comes with its unique set of challenges, particularly when it comes to cleaning and maintenance. While every host wants to provide a spotless and inviting environment for guests to enjoy, it’s crucial to understand the fine line between doing the right thing, going overboard, and not doing enough. 

What are the rules for Airbnb chores?the best vacation rental cleaning in La Mirada, CA

Remember, in the world of Airbnb hosting and vacation rental in general, the cleanliness of your property can be just as important as its location or amenities. Knowing what to do and what to avoid can prove key to becoming a top-rated host and creating memorable experiences for your guests. Let’s take a look at the 3 basic dos and don’ts of Airbnb cleaning.

The dos of Airbnb cleaning

1. Develop a detailed cleaning checklist

A comprehensive cleaning checklist is a great way to make sure that everything that needs cleaning is tackled on each visit. Your checklist should cover everything from cleaning the countertops to disinfecting high-touch surfaces like doorknobs and remote controls. Regular deep cleaning tasks, such as cleaning under the furniture and washing curtains, should also be included but scheduled less frequently.

2. Choose a high-quality, eco-friendly cleaning provider

In today’s increasingly environmentally conscious world, having a green cleaning provider can be a significant selling point for your listing. Not only are environmentally-friendly cleaning products better for the planet, but they also reduce the risk of allergic reactions among your guests. High-quality, eco-friendly cleaning agents ensure effective results without the harshness and abrasiveness of traditional cleaning chemicals.

3. Provide basic cleaning supplies for your guests

Leaving basic cleaning supplies accessible to your guests is a smart move. It encourages them to tidy up on their own, especially during longer stays. Items like a broom, dustpan, sponges, microfiber cloths, and a multi-purpose cleaner can go a long way in maintaining the cleanliness of your space between professional cleaning appointments.

The don’ts of Airbnb cleaning

1. Don’t overlook personal touches

While cleanliness is vital, don’t forget the personal touches that make a space welcoming. Removing knick-knacks and making your rental space easier to clean can sometimes strip a place of its character. Avoid making the space feel sterile; instead, aim for a clean yet lived-in atmosphere. Small details like fresh flowers, scented candles, or a welcome note can enhance the guest experience significantly.

2. Don’t ignore guest feedback

Feedback from guests regarding cleanliness is invaluable. Don’t ignore negative comments or suggestions about the cleanliness of your Airbnb. While you can always count out one or two mean comments, you should use this feedback constructively to improve your cleaning routine and address any specific areas or issues of concern that guests pointed out.

3. Don’t skimp on professional cleaning services

Maintaining high cleaning standards is crucial for securing positive reviews and repeat bookings. One of the mistakes people make is trying to save on cleaning appointments. Even if your guests have left your rental looking tidy, you should still have it professionally cleaned. This will spare you potential blushes, eliminate unnecessary risk, and ensure a consistently high standard of cleanliness.

Which provider offers the best vacation rental cleaning in La Mirada, CA?What are the rules for Airbnb chores?

Whether you’re looking for ways to streamline your rental cleaning routine, need help tidying areas guests tend to notice first, or would like to explore the benefits of professional cleaning, Oasis Natural Cleaning has all the ingredients that you need to keep your rental property in optimal condition.

With a licensed, bonded, and insured workforce, commitment to green cleaning solutions, and proven methods that deliver efficiency and spotless results, you can freely unwind at La Mirada Community Regional Park knowing our pros are there to make your life easier and your Airbnb’s spotless and fresh.

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